Pedestrian Mowers

Pedestrian Mower (rotary, cylinder, flail, reciprocating)

There are a wide range of mowers in use today, and if they are used correctly and maintained properly, they are a valuable asset for grass cutting. High quality training on maintenance and use can help keep operators and bystanders safe. The aim of our Pedestrian Mower course is to provide candidates with an insight into safety awareness and risk assessment in order to reduce the likelihood of accidents occurring.

Who is it for?

Our training course will suit anyone who is required to use pedestrian mowers as part of their work in. Training is suitable for novices or those requiring a refresher.

Course content

  • Legislation
  • General safety
  • Risk assessment
  • Hydrostatic drive
  • Cutting mechanisms
  • Controls and equipment
  • Daily checks
  • Safe methods of operation
  • Working on slopes
  • Transportation
  • Driving on public roads
  • Safety with fuel

Course summary

Title: Pedestrian Mower

Assessment: Lantra Integrated

Duration: 1-day

Cost: £195+VAT per candidate to include Lantra training, assessment,  eCertificate, and mower hire

Pre-requisites: None 

Learners will require…

  • Overalls/workwear
  • Steel toecap boots
  • Work gloves
  • Ear defenders
  • Packed lunch